Alien Annihilation (jwhita)
This is my 2d shooter project
- Tracker- Stationary and aims at player
- Wall- Invulnerable, blocks players bullets
- Mothership- Giant, spawns chasers
- Hunter- Stronger, faster chaser
- ExtraLife- Adds another life
- FullHeal- Restores to full health
- FireUp- increases fire rate
- SpeedUp- Increases Move Speed
- HealthUp- Increase Max health
- Missile- Stronger bullet, shot by pressing 'e'
Endless Mode:
- New level under select screen. Enemies spawn endlessly
- Might cause issues as I didn't limit the number of active enemies
- Unbalanced as powerups stack too much.
- You can now see your remaining lives.
Notable Issues:
- HighScore and Health don't seem to update correctly
- Enemies can phase and shoot through walls
Created by James Whitaker
Assets provided by Brian Winn