AMaze Me (VR)
AMaze Me is a game created as part of a project at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany. We are two master students of computer science and have developed this game as a continuation of our prototype. The aim of the prototype was to investigate how the outsourcing of control in VR games affects both players. This game is not finished, probably prone to many bugs and has a few features not fully or at all implemented.
Regarding VR and controllersThis game has been developed with a HTC Vive and controllers. We added the option for removing the controller-functionality (Play menu). The headlight, previously controlled with a controller, is now mounted to the head mounted display. You can use Riftcat and VRRidge to play this game via your smartphone.
How to playAfter starting the game, one player plays on a pc using the keyboard and mouse whilst the other uses the VR headset. The player on the pc controls the player in vr by using the "w,a,s,d"-keys and "spacebar" to confirm his actions. Further he can use the mouse to control the view of the map, scroll in or zoom out and move it around.
GoalThe main goal is to find out of the maze. You can leave it once you are at the door with a key. You can find the key by collecting treasure-barrels in the maze. Some barrels are marked on the map. You can change the possibility for marks in the play menu.