Among The Sheep (3D)
Inspired by John Carpenter's "The Thing" hunt down a shapeshifting alien aboard the space station, but watch out, get too close and YOU will be assimilated!
You play as Cassie, the only caretaker living aboard a deep space facility designed to house war-clones. In the distant future, war is raged by proxy, and nations supply the battlefields with identical warriors grown from test tubes in order to spare natural born humans from the horrors of conflict.
But something walks along side the clones, and it's up to you to rid the space station of a terrifying shapeshifting intruder from beyond the stars. You have access to an automated drone equipped with knockout darts, a DNA scanner and a plasma rifle.
Search the darkness for supplies, and keep that flashlight handy, because one wrong step could be your last!
Keyboard/ Mouse
Movement --- W A S D
Look Around --- Mouse
Interact -- Left Mouse Button
Aim/Lock on --- Right Mouse Button
Fire/Use DNA Scanner ( Requires LOCKED ON Target ) -- Left Mouse Button
Flashlight on/ off --- Middle Mouse Button
Reload Flashlight Battery --- E
Reload DNA Scanner Battery --- Q
Sprint --- Left Shift
Crouch --- Spacebar
Back Out Of Microscope Mode --- F
Extract Tranquilized Clone Blood --- F ( close to clone )
Switch Weapons --- 1,2,3 numbers
Movement --- Left Stick
Look Around --- Right Stick
Interact -- Y
Aim/Lock on --- LT
Fire/Use DNA Scanner ( Requires LOCKED ON Target ) --RT
Flashlight on/ off --- R3
Reload Flashlight Battery --- DPAD Right
Reload DNA Scanner Battery --- DPAD Left
Sprint --- L3
Crouch --- A
Back Out Of Microscope Mode --- B
Extract Tranquilized Clone Blood --- X
Switch Weapons --- LB and RB