A(n im)Perfect Game #4: Platform Jumper
The Perfect Game Project rests on the assumption that it's a pleasure to watch someone else play a video game really, really well. And what better player than AI that already knows where the points are coming from and how? Download the game, stick it in the corner of your desktop, and watch the computer play perfectly as the score goes up and up. Is one million points enough? Maybe two? Only you can be certain.
Controls: None!
Sound: None!
Platform Jumper, Perfect Game Project #4, creates a stereotypical platformer, invests the main character with some basic rules about when to jump, then builds a random level from some modular prefab patterns which are then randomly sprinkled with gems to collect and enemies to avoid. The mistakes the jumper makes are sometimes comical--no human would have ever made them. But when the jumper is on a good run, its reflexes sometimes seems superhuman. Most runs only complete a few levels. But some runs can stretch 50 levels or more. Will you root for the jumper harder when it's on level 25 than when it's on level 1? Is the agony as you watch a clearly disastrous jump into a pit the jumper's, or your own? The world is sad enough as it is. Cheer the jumper ever onward.
Assets by Kenney.