Anachronox posts

Kill Count
Greetings!For more than a year now, I have been making a list of games which have a kill count in them (available through a link on my profile); and my seemingly everlasting journey of inquiring about this topic all across Reddit has now led me to this particular game...So, is there any reason for me to add this game to my list (does this game have mentioned counter featured in it)?Thank you in advance.
Grumpos won't join
I recently started a new run and i am running into a problem. I walked out the bar to Whackmaster Jack, did his first lesson, ran back out and went to Frank's Flophouse. Spoke to Deanamo, and got a lead on Grumpos. Went to his appartement, and interact with the door. But the only thing that happens is that Sly says that he hears dogs barking or that the lock is too strong. But when i go to pick the lock he just goes "Seems interesting". Does anybody know how to fix this.
Where should I run the game (Steam/Gog/etc...) and which patches should I install ?
I saw there are some more or less official patches and also an german patch. Maybe there is a graphical mod too ? Which patches should I install or what patches work together without problems ? I never played the game but I'm a sci-fi/cyberpunk fan.
Sly Boots AI art
Stiletto Anyway AI art
Today I noticed that Stiletto's intro song is VERY similar to Stevie Wonder's "Superstition"
It just came on the radio and I was like... wait a minute. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a soundalike remake, but it does very obviously borrow some bits and pieces from it.
I made a working AI-Upscale pack Anachronox's level textures! Link is in the video description!
does anyone know if giving money to Poloz N'ar (the character in the tenements area begging for loonies) unlocks anything? maybe an Easter egg?
Pretty fun at times, but combat dragged on a lot - first timer's [REVIEW]
Hi!I’ve recently played Anachronox for the first time, having bought it on a whim just because. And I actually had quite a lot of fun with it. What is Anachronox? It is a 2001 sci-fi rpg with a comedic bent.You play the role of Sylvester “Sly” Boots, a private detective down on his luck, at the beginning trying to earn cash to repay a debt to a crime lord, but then getting involved in heroic antics, solving the mysteries of ancient alien artifacts and, of course, saving the world.While the actual story of the game is perhaps nothing that surprising or groundbreaking, I felt that the actual characters and their interactions were rather fun. Maybe not in a “constant roaring laughter” kinda way, but I chuckled more than once when playing the game, and generally I’d say I was rather consistently... amused, at least at a basic level.Because you do gather quite a team - a grumpy old man literally called Grumpos (whose superpower is yammering in annoyance!), a robot seravnt with a budding sense of independence, a literal comic book superhero, and even a shurnken down planet! What I enjoyed about Anachronox, and I’m not sure how intentional it was, really, is that I constantly kept finding dark undertones in things. For example – there is a security agency, PAX, with the motto “There will be peace” – which kinda seems like an implied threat, really. Like, it seems to say “there will be peace (eventually)”. Then when you have to find a translator piece you learn it’s a new piece of tech and when you ask your companion how the security communicated with aliens before, he answers that they did it with beatings. There are also several jokes relating to unrestricted capitalism – I remmber one specifically where the product boasts about how it’s unrivaled (because it’s illegal to compete with it) and that you can’t find anything that matches it, and if you would, please tell them (and they will take care of it). There’s a lot to do in Anachronox – it is a rather long game that could easily take you 30-40 hours if you want to talk to everyone and check everything. Different characters have different skills that let them interact with the world and the npcs – aforementioned Grumpos can just grumble some npcs into submission, Sly himself can pick locks, and other characters can hack computers or analyze technical gadgets and so on. That being said – a lot of that time is going to be spent in combat. And I didn’t really like combat in Anachronox. And the more I played, the less I liked it. It has really grinded me down.Anachronox uses a system that I find... weird. Theoretically, it is turn based. But within your turn you have a limited real time to act, if you do not, your turn passes. Due to the weird delay in some actions that you order your characters to take, it actually caused me to lose my turn and then DIE a couple of times.But the worst thing about Anachronox’s combat system is that the attack animations of both you and your enemies just take SO DAMN LONG, and you are going to see them over and over and over again, hundreds of times. Some attacks can take a dozen seconds. By halfpoint of the game I was really, really tired of it.To rub salt in my wounds – at the LAST HOUR OF THE GAME I found out by accident (with a miss-click) that there is a button (it’s /) to speed-up the combat animations. But the game NEVER tells you about it, despite containing some tutorial tooltips. There is no key bindings option in the menu, nor can you change them. So unless someone told you about it first, or you discovered it by accident, I’m not sure how I was supposed to know about it.I feel that the combat in Anachronox kinda brings the game down by grinding you down with endless watching of the same animations. To make matters worse – the enemies do respawn when you return to a location, so if you really want to do every sidequest, you’re destined to watch EVEN MORE attack animations from the VERY SAME ENEMIES YOU ALREADY KILLED. Ugh.Even if you do know about the speed up button beforehand, the combat seems rather boring. The characters are really rather limited in their combat skill selection, so you tend to gravitate to using the same ones over and over again anyway. That being said, I still had fun with Anachronox. It is a very light hearted adventure worth a chuckle or two, but it also has some pretty weird (but interesting!) dark undertones here and there.It is no masterpiece, but for something I happened across by accident, I enjoyed it quite a lot (repetative combat notwithstanding).If you think you would enjoy seeing how someone discovers it for the first time, you can see my blind playthrough on my youtube channel, here:
Anachronox on
Anachronox is $0.97 on Steam until April 1st!
It's Anachronox but Grumpos breaks into his own room, talks to himself.