...and to Nothingness Return
In the beginning, there was the Void.
In the beginning, there was the Not.
In the beginning, there was nothingness, and nothing more.
But as the Not slept, a horrid and repugnant essence arose:
Existence, a violent crime against the Void.
And the nothing could only answer, by dissolving that Existence back into itself.
Start with nothing ... and to nothingness return
Playing the Game
And to Nothingness Return is a small puzzle game about devouring the universe.
The objective of the game is to move the Maw of the Void through Existence, devouring it and returning it to nothingness.
However, the Maw must not leave Existence until Existence has been completely devoured - if the Maw is entirely surrounded by the Not, it too will return to nothingness, leaving some of the world intact.
To navigate the menu:
- Use the up and down arrow keys to select menu options
- Use Space or Enter to select a menu option
The default controls in the game are:
- WASD or Arrow Keys to move
- Escape to pause the game
- U or Z to undo a move
- R to restart the level
Keybindings can be changed from the settings menu; this includes support for
most gamepads.
- "Tiny World Map" tileset by Lanea Zimmerman and Paul Barden.
- "Tangible Darkness" music by Keplar
- "Alagard" and "Romulus" fonts by Pix3M