Ang Ospital

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“The Hospital” is a survival-horror, single-player game set in a dilapidated psychiatric hospital. It is played from a first-person perspective and features stealth game play mechanics. The player can walk, run, jump; however the player is unable to attack enemies. Instead he must rely on stealth tactics such as staying in the shadows, sneaking past enemies and hiding behind or under things in order to survive. Alternatively, the player can attempt to outrun her pursuer. If the player dies, the game will reset to the most recent checkpoint.


Puzzle Solving: Puzzles are scattered throughout the game, solve them to continue your progress. Tie together what happened to your friends and escape the Hospital.

Flashlight Navigation: Navigate the dark and eerie corridors of a psychiatric Hospital using a flashlight.

Tension Based Atmosphere: Run and hide your way through the Hospital's residents restricting combat and highlighting stealth as a mechanic. Bloodthirsty killers designed to have higher chances of pursuit when anxiety is in full blast.

Anxiety Visualized: Avoid dark places or looking at enemies to combat your anxiety and nyctophobia (Fear of the dark). An exploration of fear and how it correlates to individuals with mental health and anxiety disorders.

Support the developers in continuing the game by purchasing the Beta Build.

Release date
Underdog Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Nov 8, 2019

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