Angel Investor Simulator
Who doesn't want to be rich
Now YOU can become RICH in this new Angel investor simulator
Pick and choose what you want to buy and what you want to throw away,
but be careful your decisions may haunt you later
We recomend the game to be played in fullscreen
It is still work in progress
How to PlayWhen you are in the game press the buttons
InfoThis game was developed by students at Uppsala University Campus Gotland during two weeks in the course Project management with agile methods 2 during the spring of 2022
Known Errors
Sometimes The same company is shown twice
The Development team and their responsibilities
Gabriel Axelsson - Project Owner, Programmer
Felix Olofsson - Audio
Rong Kun Sun - Graphics
Jacob Farraj - UI graphics, Icons
Viktor Carlsson - menues, UI, Writer, Scrum Master