Animalia - The Quiz Game achievements

Fun Fact! #83
Leopards are great climbers and great swimmers.
Fun Fact! #146
Zebus can be easily recognized by the hump on their back. Besides that, zebus have flap of skin below their lower jaw and drooping ears.
Fun Fact! #139
A shark may lose and grow up to 30 000 teeth in its lifetime.
Fun Fact! #109
Pigs are clean animals. If given sufficient space, they will be careful not to soil the area where they sleep or eat. Pigs don’t “sweat like pigs”; they are actually unable to sweat. They like to bathe in water or mud to keep cool, and they actually prefer water to mud.
Fun Fact! #53
Hamsters can store food in their cheeks, then eat it later!
Fun Fact! #129
While vultures eat mostly dead animals, they are capable of attacking and will often prey on extremely sick, wounded or infirm prey.
Fun Fact! #116
Red Panda's were the inspiration behind the name of an Internet Browser (Mozilla Firefox).
Fun Fact! #112
Mantids have two eyes,but only one ear.
Fun Fact! #21
Chickens aren’t completely flightless—they can get airborne enough to make it over a fence or into a tree.
Fun Fact! #27
A crab may lose a claw or leg in a fight. In time, the claw or leg grows back.
Fun Fact! #42
The color pink comes from beta-carotene in the crustaceans and plankton that flamingos eat.
Fun Fact! #82
The Lemur is a native animal of Madagascar.