Annotation of Love reviews

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Microsoft from Russian
Annotation of Love-it's 3 mini-games on the love theme, under a wonderful soundtrack. All 3 mini-games are simple to horror, but it does not prevent you to be a real test. The Essence of each-to score as many points. Each of them ends when the song plays to the end. The First mini-game "Concubine": Jumping over Obstacles (arrows), the closer the end of the song, the faster the character runs, and the more arrows flies you to the meeting. Second Mini-game "As a last-day we Live": Search for matching cards in two closed blocks. The Third mini-game "Expiration Date": Shooting discs, flying in the person in the center of the screen. The closer the end of the song, the faster the discs fly. And now the most important-the game is absolutely free and everyone can play. You can certainly support the developer by buying a paid DLC: "Annotation of Love-Bonus Content", but no one will force you to do it. A Nice bonus when buying an add-on will be the achievement of "Thank you!:)".
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian,,&data=UlNrNmk5WktYejY4cHFySjRXSWhXR2NiWTFsWW9ZNnhzTEdkcTNlZ25HcThHTWpjYXpVTXpuZWpLWk55Rjhkc0VSNUdSSm9EWkV0T2lCOUVpY3JkUmhKZFJodEV1WERHYy1rWUZEblozTXU3WnptTnhVRVJYZDZZZTFscWtkRFI,&sign=9e04f1d2a9455cc527ff4e371dfb3290&keyno=0&b64e=2&ref=orjY4mGPRjk5boDnW0uvlrrd71vZw9kpjly_ySFdX80,&l10n=ru&cts=1523733790085