Another Bad Chess Game

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A bit ago I saw someone saying that the first prototypes of chess involved rolling dice, at which point i did no research to back up this claim, said to myself "that sounds like fun to make", and opened Unity.


To move your pieces, you will select the piece you wish to move, select the direction of motion, and then roll a die to determine how far that piece moves in that direction. Could be an 8, could also be a 1. Different pieces use different die according to their movement patterns.

For knights you will roll a 2 sided die. On a 1, it will go exactly where you want it to. On a 2, it will go where you want it to and then make one additional jump to a random tile.

When you attempt to capture a piece, you will roll a 12 sided die and then your opponent will roll a 12 sided die. Whoever rolls higher here will capture the other piece, making it entirely possible for you to try to capture your opponents piece on your turn and wind up losing your own instead. Each piece has a modifier they add to this roll, making it slightly more difficult to capture a strong piece like a queen with something like a pawn.
The modifiers for these rolls are:
Pawns and kings: 0
Bishops and rooks: 1
Knights: 2
Queens: 3

Other than all of that, the basic rules of chess still apply! Capture the opposing king to win the game. Happy rolling!

Release date
Ali K
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jul 15, 2019

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