Ansina Simulator: Battle of Las Piedras
First game I publish, "Ansina Simulator: Battle of Las piedras" is a small game for the Historycally Accurate Game Jam (Not completely accurate since I couldn't really find all the info I needed) That tells a part of the story of Uruguay's Independence with one of the most important victories in that endeavor.
You'll be playing as Joaquin Lenzina Better known as "Ansina" who was the best friend of General Jose Gervasio Artigas, National Hero of Uruguay. At the start of the game and every 2 dialogue changes you'll have a chance to serve yourself a Mate(A local Herb infusion that I like to call reverse tea) by pressing the space bar. This will award you points depending on how full it was.
It probably has some typos, I wrote it in a hurry since I lost most of what I had written when unity decided to crash on me yesterday. Also I know it's not perfect but I did everything in it, from the sprites to the music and the code, So I'm kinda proud of it
You may quit the game once your Final Score appears.
Left Click = advance dialogue
Space-bar = Serve mate Every 2 dialogues.