Apart (Oblit Arts)

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Jump between dimensions, playing with different timelines, overcoming a vast variety of challenges thanks to your agility.


Apart is a 2d puzzle-platformer game that grabs inspiration from games like Celeste, Guacamelee, and Braid.

You will find yourself in a minimalist world, where you will have to overcome a variety of difficult platforming challenges in order to advance. Throughout your journey, you will unlock new abilities that will expand your mobility, using them wisely will be mandatory so you can conquer all the challenges you will encounter.


Apart has a fast-paced gameplay thanks to our player's inherited mobility, which will be constantly evolving and being expanded during the gameplay. 

Apart's level design tries to get the most out of the player's mobility at each stage of the game, as the challenges get harder according to the stage of the game you're at.


You will become a man which's curiosity got the better of him, betraying the pact to faithfully protect the sacred mask their people kept for centuries. He stole the mask, bringing upon his people and himself a horrible curse.

After putting on the mask he finds himself trapped in another dimension, and the world around him is stopped in time. To free the world from this curse, he will have to come to terms with the Mask, accepting the powers it gives him in order to reach the Summit of the Gods and get their pardon.

Additional Information

This game is being developed by 5 students as a part of their dissertation. Under our belt, we have published games such as Kauil's TreasureMystic Fate, Hack n'Slide  or Hardcored

The game currently is on its Beta version and is continuously being developed for the time being. This game has been developed using Unity. We recommend you play with a controller and we would very much appreciate it if you can report to us with any bugs you can find.

Team Members

Victor Romero - Producer, Programmer

Andreu  Margarit - Programmer

David Auladell - Level Designer, Programmer 

Andrea Cardelús - 2D Artist, Concept Artist

Aleix Azuela -  Level Designer

Genis Riera - 2D Animator, Graphic Designer

Release date
Oblit Arts
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: May 21, 2021

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