Translated by
Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
Few choices to make, a lot of chance (we can not predict the effect that will have our choices unless we have already done in a previous part), and very repetitive from one part on the other (it is the same story with the same events). It makes it possible to spend a few dozen minutes when one is bored and there is nothing better to do. But we spend most of the time clicking click and re-clicking to pass texts that we have already read without making any interesting choices.
In addition the PC version (Linux in my case) has not been adapted and retains its original unintuitive mobile interface.
I forgot: the fights are 100% random.
And I played it more than "0 hours" according to steam, on my Smartphone.
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
Microsoft from Italian
The differences in terms of choices will not be strictly related to the powers (I have happened a few times when these made a difference), but rather to our ability to investigate and act in individual situations. We will have, in fact, four days to expose the place where the F.E.A.R. will meet, the league of supervillains ready to make the skin and subdue the entire human race. To succeed, we will have to find two hidden clues for the various game situations we face. The very interesting thing is that these situations will depend on the actions that we decide to accomplish: In practice it is as if there was a story with REALLY MANY branches on how to reach the final. Among These we will face radioactive scientific experiments (making them explode, or more simply by sitting them), explore a circus, or an amusement park, or maybe we'll go to the theatre again. In Short, the possibilities are very many game and it is up to the player to find them all, facing the adventure in a different way for each game.
This beauty of alternatives, however, has another side of the coin. It Is true that, with great ingenuity, the developers have decided to leave more absolute freedom in being able to go back one choice at a time to explore different narrative lines, but precisely this system leads to the possibility of not accepting the Consequences of their actions. A strange solution for a book-game, but certainly dictated by the fact that the investigative line of Appointment with F.E.A.R. is not really the simplest, as well as the absence of a clear tutorial does not explain immediately how to solve some mini-cases according to Clues found. By Doing So, you will get lucky points that you can return later, once faced with some enemy and defeated, to unlock cards inside the game. A simple additional bonus to push the player to reface the title again and again.
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