Arc Relay

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Arc Relay is a text game played on the shell or terminal, built in Python and with the source code available. This game contains mature language and places you into some violent situations. The game includes a world to navigate and explore, sometimes with violence, sometimes with discussion or puzzle solving.

Included are the game engine itself as well as two campaigns and some tutorials. I highly recommend going through the tutorials in order to get a clear feel for how the game plays and how things work, then dive into either of the two campaigns- "arc relay" is comprehensive with lots of world building and plot, while "arc relay 2" is shorter but with more excitement.

Three packages are provided, one for OSX and one for Windows, and a third with the original scripts- these will run on any platform, provided you can install Python 3, while the first two don't require Python to be installed in order for them to run. If you are interested in working on the source code or your platform doesn't work with either package, you'll want to go with the scripts.

When starting "arc relay" (not 2), I recommend examining everything in your immediate surroundings to learn as much as possible about the world you're starting out in, then go from there in whatever direction you please. The more people you talk to, the more you'll learn about the world.

Looks and behaviors regarding your terminal are up to the application used, which will vary based on your platform and preference and isn't determined by the game, you'll have to figure these things out on your own if you prefer any change in the look and feel. This includes things like background color and font choice, among other similar traits.

Also included is an editor which allows you to create your own campaigns if you so choose, I've included a variety of text files to give instructions on how a campaign is assembled and how to utilize the different features of the engine in order to create a platform for telling your own story and building your world. Some programming experience may be helpful, but shouldn't necessarily be required- however, I make no promises as to how intuitive or straightforward any of it is, and I definitely make no promises as to the quality or stability of the editor- I've run into weird problems with it, especially on OSX and Windows, however it worked well enough for me to expedite the development of the tutorials and campaigns included with the game, so I stuck with it.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Sep 8, 2021

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