Archon Evolution 3D (Prototype)

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+++ Introduction

I guess some (or maybe more) people know this game! Archon has been a legacy on classical computers. I will provide a small blogpost about my motivation on re-creating this game, but

TLDR: This is my 3D prototype where I tried to build a game in the spirit of Archon.

This is far from being finished and it has it's problems, but if you are interested in playing this prototype and providing some feedback about it, I can use this when continuing it. 

My approach was to build as fast as possible a prototype that covers most of the game mechanics to proof that this game ist still fun nowadays.

+++ How the game works

Each player takes control of one of 2 factions and plays either the light or the dark side. The figures are placed on a chess board. 

Players take turns moving their figures and try to beat the opponent. 

If 2 figures are on the same field, one not only wins. Instead they are transported to a battle arena, where they fight. The winner keeps the field.

Lost energy is persisted.

+++ Not implemented from Archon

  • Light and dark influence of the fields (light dark cycle)
  • Spells
  • Winning the game by occupying the power spots
  • Flying units

+++ Controls

It is best played in local couch co-op model.

Controls are required for moving the selector on the board and selecting/de-selecting figures. The same controls are used to move and attack.

  • Player 1 uses WASD and left control
  • Player 2 uses cursor keys and right control

This game is implemented with controller support, but it is very raw and I can't guarantee that it will recognize your controllers. I tested it with the X-Box controller but since I am still using Unity old input system, the integration is bad.

There is also an AI implemented for Player2 if you want to try out, but this AI is very stupid and brute force. In addition to this: If you play against an AI, the fact that the game is not "perfectly" balanced becomes a real problem :-D

You can also choose no players and watch how the crappy AIs kill each other.

+++ Feedback

Please use the comment section on the game page to drop your feedback. I appreciate this!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Feb 11, 2022

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