Artifacts (itch)

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Made by:

- Art: Francisco Segura

- Code: Jaime Muela

- Music / effects: Juan Hust


Post-jam updates

We've added a new version with some improvements and error fixes.

- We've fixed a couple of minor bugs with the UI.
- We've changed the way the camera follows the player because it was making it very hard to aim with the hook. Now the camera will center on the player instead of were he is looking.
- We've added a "Exit to desktop" button to the pause menu (this does not apply to the webgl build).
- In the final scene, pressing the "Escape" key ("Start" in an xbox controller) will close the game (this does not apply to the webgl build).
- We've added an alternative ending ilustration that shows when the player ends the game with all the gems collected.
- We've changed how the xbox controller works. Now the left joystick will move the player and the right one will aim the hook. Both the "A" button and the left trigger can be used to jump, and the hook is used now with the right trigger.
- We've added cheatcodes! Some people suggested that the game should not have fall damage. We thought that removing that would change how we envisioned the game, but we've decided to add some alternatives for those players that just want to see the game without the difficulty. These are "old school" cheats, so you have to type some magic words with your keyboard to enable them. The cheatcodes are:
longfallshoes -> fall damage on/off.
2spooky4me -> god mode on/off.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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System requirements for Linux

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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