Artisan Bay
Artisan Bay
Welcome to Artisan Bay, a creative crafting seaside village. Create, explore and socialise in this relaxing hub of creative activity. Try your hands at pottery, knitting, painting and drawing. Share your works with your neighbours and become part of the community. Explore the bay as you build your crafting life.
How to play
Artisan bay is a simulation role play with classic RPG dialogue engagement.
Player movement is controlled by arrows or the WASD keys.
The crafting mini games use a point and click control input combined with craft specific key inputs unique to the different mini games.
The is was created using Unity 2D and Fungus.
The game was created as part of my final degree project exploring how the abstract knowledge of craft and material properties are shared with players in simulation role-play video games. The game explores the inclusion of real world material properties through game play and NPC discussion in order to enhance the digital creation of objects in a simulated crafting environment.