Astraeus (itch) (Zombee0804)
Astraeus is an asteroid-clone, or an arcade space-shooter.
This game was made in Godot and is my first project using this game engine. I wanted to make a simple project that used all the different basic mechanics of a game engine, such as collision, UI, audio, particles, audio, etc. The game also utilises low-resolution rendering, hopefully adding to the 'arcadey' feel.
The game is by no means an original idea. It is just an asteroid-clone. I was not thinking about originality, instead just wanted to practice using a new game development tool. I added a few little things such as a laser sight and a ship trail, but nothing drastic.
How To Play:Fly around and dodge asteroids. Shoot them to break them apart.
'W' to move forwards. 'S' to brake. 'A' & 'D' to rotate.
'Click' or 'Space' to shoot.
The colour of the players bullets and the colour of the ships trail can be changed in the options.
You rotate faster when moving forwards. You can rotate slower, if stationary, by holding shift.
The player gun has a cooldown, of which the display can be toggled in the options.
The laser sight can also be toggled in the options, or the colour can be changed.
The game gradually gets more difficult, with asteroids spawning quicker.
The difficulty bar and timer can be toggled in settings.
While you can get away with staying still in the early game, you must move around to dodge asteroids in the later game.
Credits:Programming, Art, SFX, & Music - Me
SFX made using bfxr by increpare
Music made using BoscaCeoil by Terry Cavanagh
'Game Over' SFX - "Game Over Arcade" by myfox14 on
Game Font - "Pixelmix Font" by Andrew Tyler on