Average Playtime: 10 hours

Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book

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17th in the Atelier series.
The budding alchemist Sophie of Kirchen Bell meets the Mysterious Book, Plachta, and embarks on a wonderful adventure of fulfilling dreams.

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Last Modified: Oct 25, 2024

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Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book Walkthrough Part 1 (PS4, Vita) ❖ English ❖
Jun 9, 2016
Atelier Sophie - Opening Intro
Sep 24, 2015
Cosmic Nava
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of The Mysterious Book Review
Jun 8, 2016
Niche Gamer
📘Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book - Review | PS4 & PSV {English, Full 1080p HD}
Jun 7, 2016
R3D Gaming
Atelier Sophie - Combat Gameplay Trailer
Apr 14, 2016
First Hour of Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (No Commentary)
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Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I Usually play the game for at least an hour before I decide more or less. But Sometimes it happens that everything is obvious from the very first minutes-and this is one of these cases. I really liked the concept of this game by description, trailers and reviews of other people. Always loved to play all the alchemy and fuss in the lab. The Idea is really interesting, and I was looking forward to playing it. But... It took me fifteen minutes to figure out how wrong I was. And all the claims here I have not so much to this particular game, as a whole to the Japanese gamegirl. The Twenty-first century has started for quite a long time, the gambling system has gone far and continues to develop, and the Japanese persistently stare at dust-covered patterns. All, all the disadvantages of the Japanese RPG here fell on me from the first minute. The Graphonium. The Japanese do not even try to step back from their anime. Same style. Everywhere the same way affectation. It is normal, I have nothing against... But it's everywhere. However, it is not even a drawback, but just once again puzzled. If The Japanese ever draw anything else... This is going to be a real surprise, yes. I'll write It down in fat. Syuzhetka. I have no Idea what she is. I've only been playing for fifteen minutes. But in these fifteen minutes the creators have shoved the maximum possible number of stamps and templates, giving it the most banal dialogues, as possible. The Main character-a very standard and uninteresting creature, play for which you do not want in principle. Interface. The Japanese hate the PC. They have consoles. They do everything under the console. And porting to the PC they have their games rarely and reluctantly, as if they were specially for the kalecha. The Interface here is monstrous in its inconvenience, and still not marked. I was just shuffling the keyboard blindly until I found a button that had some action attached to it. The Mouse is not involved. Mice do not exist in the Land of the Rising Sun. Shorter. Personally, I think that the game should be liked from the first minutes. Immediately. The Beginning is generally the most important, it creates a first impression. But If the beginning is just not very good-it's okay, for a while you can wait in the hope that further will be better. But here I just imagined that the whole game will be managed by this ugly interface and read these school-written dull dialogues-and slightly immersed. So I'm not going to give this game a chance. The Interface and dialogs are definitely not going to improve. 2 out of 10.
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