Auto Chaos
Auto Chaos is a multiplayer, procedurally generated racing game.
You have 3 respawns, falling off of the map or getting stuck will cause you to respawn, if you run out of respawns, you will spectate the leading player, and the last player alive wins.
You can earn respawns via checkpoints during the race.
Every track is infinite, and once you get far into the map, it begins to rain, increasing the difficulty, and farther in, snows, further increasing the difficulty.
This game is in early alpha and was originally made for the PROCJAM game jam, but will be further updated in the future. Features like a track creator, vehicle customization, potentially more gamemodes, and more are planned for the future.
The game will also be released on Android and cross-platform within the next few months.
If you have any ideas or discover any bugs, I would be more than happy to help, you can either DM me here, or preferably via Discord. (Metalloriff#2891)