Auto Race
Mattel Electronics™ Auto Race, released in 1976, is officially regarded as the first ever handheld electronic game since it had no moving parts, other than the switches. While the visuals represented by LED lights is simple by modern standards, the gameplay is surprisingly challenging!
GameplayThe object of the game is to race against the clock by completing 4 laps in the shortest time possible while avoiding collisions with oncoming cars.
Your car starts at the bottom of the screen and moves towards the top. Use the gear shift to control your speed. The higher the gear, the faster the car moves and the faster the other cars will come towards you. You will need to swerve past these cars using the steering switch to move among the three lanes. If you're hit by a car your vehicle will be pushed back towards the bottom of the screen unless your get out of the other car's way.
If you make it to the top of the screen, one lap is completed, and your car returns to the bottom of the screen. You will need to complete 4 laps before the clock reaches 99 seconds.
TipsIf you're hit by an oncoming car you'll be pushed all the way back to the start unless you can quickly move to an adjacent lane. The more quickly you can move out of the way the less the distance you will be pushed towards the bottom of the screen.
NotesSounds are not 100% accurate. The engine sound, in particular, still needs work.
Controls Keyboard Start F1 Reset F2 Higher Gear W or Up Arrow Lower Gear S or Down Arrow Steer Left A or Left Arrow Steer Right D or Right Arrow Mouse Rotate Drag Press Left-click Zoom Mousewheel Resources Audio Mark Rotondella ( ) Box Art Handheld Empire ( ) Instructions Internet Archive ( )