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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
For the 1 Euro in The Steam Winter Deal you can do the Game. For gamble in between, the Game is easy to play with full Controller support. But I wouldn't spend more on it, because the Game is not the most beautiful and it's not really good in terms of graphics and everything around. High FPS Dips Even with low Graphics, with Microsoft Flight X running with me without any Problems and being more realistic and beautiful to look at a thousand times.
Conclusion: As an Arcade Game for a little Money in the Sale quite okay, but if you want to have a good Simulator, you prefer Microsoft Flight X or the WW II Title IL 2 Sturmovik 1946.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Aviator-Bush Pilot is an Aircraft simulation that comes with the Story about a so-called Bush Pilot in Africa. On the Back Side are the beautiful varied Missions. On the Other Side, however, there is a rather outdated and unclean Worked graphics engine (Pilot, animals, clouds, Etc.), few Features (4 Aircraft), a terrible Control (at least played on the Keyboard) and for the Area Simulator: The small WiSim-Part with the Investing revenue from the Missions in Improvements and Machines is too rudimentary to be seriously considered WiSim. The flight simulator part, on the other hand, is offended by the arcade gameplay and the dreadful Control.
It is a great pity. I think the Idea in itself is really, really good.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
This is my first Review – so if Mistakes happen to me – > sorry!
A very nice Game on a great Theme – realistic Flight Behavior with varied missions and that for only €15.
I've been playing just under 11 Hours now and so far nothing has been repeated. It's Nice that there is a Flight Simulation in which you don't just fly from A to B.
Some of the Missions are quite tricky (Time Limit, shots from a Distance), but mostly doable.
I have now released two out of 4 Airmen and they are already very different from Flight behaviour. You have to take some Time to cope with the Control (just landing needs Practice) – but then you Go quite well.
Gameplay: Huge circumference beers stun-Extinguishing persons find-Medicine dropping-Injured People and Animals supply photos make round flights for Tourists – and I still lack two out of four Aviators Sound: Very good Selection, especially the one Coutrysender fits well, (even if this Music is not my Taste otherwise) the invite of my own Music I have not yet tested Graphics: The Floor might look better, but Aviators, Animals and Characters are nicely animated.
The Weather system is great – Storm, fog, Sunrise Control: I tried it with the Keyboard, goes too, but with Gamepad (Xbox Gamepad) I like it better In my Eyes very well spent €15.