Ayera The Void Sand Witch
Just a simple game I made for Shenanijam 2018, under the theme "Void Sandwich". Does this game qualifies given the theme? Well, I dunno, tell me yourself!
And of course, feedback is more than welcome!
Here are the "Achivements" I pursued while making this game:
- 3) Gameboy - Your game only uses 8-bit soundfx and is in the classic gameboy 4-color green palette.
- 8) Mozart - Compose your own music.
- 10) One Punch Man - Your game is controllable with a single input.
- 12) Tango - Your team size is 2.
Credits and Software used:
Delta-key: Coding, tile sprite, music and sounds.
- Engine: Godot Engine 3.0;
- Music: Deflemask (used the GameBoy sound system, of course);
- Sounds: JXFR and BFXR;
- Sprites: Used both some Godot trickery and Krita.
Sklaiser: All the other sprites.
- Sprites: Photoshop.
Finally, you can check the source code here.