Backseat Gamer
--- Severe work in progress ---
We've all been there, whether it's with parents playing moblie games, little siblings stuck on levels, or even with friends who just aren't that good at video games. But at some point you will be stuck with the agonizing pain of watching someone else attempt to play a game while you're stuck just being left to watch it all play out in slow slow motion.
With this game, the idea is that our game playing is built on training the AI that is playing, and watching the results unfold. So sure we may not be in control of this exact game, but we can at least influence how our ai plays, learns, and grows.
Expansion ideas will involve gamifying the ai so it does not always respond exactly, adding more graphics to look like you are sitting in a living room, adding different games for the AI, graphs to show what our player is prioritizing in its thinking process, and more.
This project was created using the libgdx library for java.