Backwards Buccaneers
-NOTE: Sensitivity can be adjusted in the pause menu by pressing P or Escape-
How to Play-You have to give away as much of your treasure as possible, and avoid collecting any yourself. You are a very generous pirate.
-Use the wheel at the back of the ship to steer around
-Cannons can be loaded with either treasure or cannonballs
-Ship with white sails are in need of gold. Use your cannons to shoot treasure towards them!
-When their sails turn green, they are satisfied and won't accept any more treasure
-Enemy pirate ships will try to shoot gold onto your ship! Avoid them, or use cannonballs to sink them
-Beware of floating treasure chests in the water
-Music: Drunken Sailor by Tunebytes (copyright free)
-Cash register sound effect
-Other sound effects from Sony Sound Effects Library 2004
-Font: Pirata One by Rodrigo Fuenzalida
-Skybox: 8k Skybox Back Free by BG Studio
-Seamless perlin noise texture from here
-Everything else made be me during the jam, except for some basic player movement code which I made before the jam
Project Source Code
- 6/2/22 - Lowered sensitivity across all builds
- 9/2/22 - Pause menu, sensitivity slider, quit game button