Bad Trip (siladityaa, Sudoplox)
Team GH 18 - We have based our game on a person's mind space after taking drugs.
This is a simulation of a person hallucinating after overdosing on a drug. For the scope of this hackathon, we have restricted the gameplay to the effects of psychedelic mushrooms.
Initially we planned to make this game in a VR environment but after talking to the mentors we realized that the judges won't be able to assess the game in VR due to which we converted this game into a first person simulator.
Sudhanshu will navigate in an apartment sober where he will find floating psychedelic mushrooms. After consuming one of them, he starts hallucinating and experiences the reality distorting and melting around him. Since a psychedelic mushroom can be addictive, he goes on to consuming more and more till he loses all of his consciousness and finds himself falling endlessly like a nightmare after he jumps into the bath tub.
Commercially, this game can be helpful to educational and health institutions in educating the teachers, students, nurses or doctors about the effects of drugs.
Player navigation: W, A, S, D
Look Around: Mouse
Jump: Space
Background Music:
//We have sound effects and background music in our demo, but we could not update it on time.