Barrel Ninjas
Ninja barrel jumping platformer.
Collect, Time and Runner Game Types with three difficulties to choose from.
A choice of different ninjas with varied stats can be unlocked including a customisable stats ninja called Red.
Local achievements and local high scores can track your progress.
Play in the browser here or download the files below to run on your computer
If your computer or browser struggles to play the game please download instead.
A Little History Perspective
A long long time ago....
I had an orange two screen Donkey Kong and played it for many, many hours.
It was a simpler time.
Then, when I had a ZXSpectrum, i tried to code my own version (called Killer Kong) in Basic.
Though parts worked you had to be honest and stick to the girders and ladders as I couldn't work out how to make the character stick to where they were supposed to go. (There were a lot of 'for loops' if I remember correctly.)
Decades later and I've finally got an homage to Donkey Kong fully working - well there's a character that jumps barrels and heads on up the screen.
There may be a feature or two not yet spotted so let me know if you find any.
I enjoyed creating it and hope you enjoy playing it.