Bastians Biggest Bet!
Bastians Biggest Bet is Game made in one week for VimJam2. You're playing games inside a casino and you can make a lot of money. However there is a twist that will make you always be on the edge! All you need to know will be explained in the game.
Theme and Restriction:The Restriction for VimJam2 was "Boss". Our game fits to the restriction because Bastian is the boss of a casino and he'll follow you around for the entire game.
The Theme for VimJam2 was "On The Edge". Our game fits to the theme because every now and then you are forced to participate in Bastians Biggest Bet, in which you can lose all your money. Therefore you're always on the edge and close to losing everything.
Ranks:There are 9 Ranks you can get at the end of the game. Here are all the ranks and the minimum money required to get the rank
- Poor: 0$
- Average: 300$
- Buisness Man: 800$
- Boss: 3,000$
- King: 10,000$
- Gambler God: 30,000$
- Luckiest Ledgend: 100,000$
- Magnificent Milionaire: 1,000,000$
- Ultimative Unbeatable God of Luck: 10,000,000$
Post your highscore and rank in the comments!
Credits:These are the people who worked on this project with me. Special thanks to them, they did an amazing Job!
- Pk Moritz: Programmed the game (Discord: Pk Moritz#7830)
- Smartulu: Made all the music and all sounds for the game (Discord: Smartulu#7532)
- Zimbel: Made all the art for the game (Discord: zimbel#5281)
- Hapysol: Recorded the Voicelines, was a playtester and was the inspiration for this game (Disocrd Hapysol#6345)
I'm super proud of this game! It was a lot of work but we managed to complete it. This is my 3rd game jam and it was so far my favourite! Enjoy the game!