Battle Ninja Online
Title: Battle Ninja
Battle Ninja is a thrilling 2D online multiplayer game. In this game, you'll join a vibrant community of players from around the world, as you battle it out in a built environment.
Whether you choose to play with friends or join a random game, you'll be forced to go 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 19! Winner takes all.
Featuring seamless online multiplayer gameplay powered by Photon Engine and Unity, Battle Ninja is easy to pick up and play.
This game is a 2D online multiplayer game using Unity and Photon engine. You have created a Photon account, set up a new application, and imported the Photon asset into your Unity project. You have also created a main menu with two buttons: one for joining a game and one for creating a game. Additionally, you have added an input field for players to enter a username.