Battle Star (Rajcsányi László (WLS))
This is a homebrought game, run on Gameboy Color. Original version: Ian Davison - Tynesoft Computer Software. Commodore 16/Plus4, 1987. Created with GB-Studio 2.0.0 beta5!
Battle Star is a sophisticated combat zapping game. Beautiful smooth scroll with over 4 level of action, detailed graphics and great game play. Whilst on patrol over the waterly Planet Nuljai you encounter an Alien construction ringing the Planet. This construction was build by the evil Cyfrots to syphon off the precious water and transport it to it's people. Your mission is to destroy the Cyfrots and blast out of sight the Aliens' marauding bombs.
Also available for download in .CIA format for the Nintendo 3DS virtual console!
Start the game: A
Move: Cursor keys
Fire: A
Speed Up: B
Start the game: Z
Move: Arrow keys
Fire: Z
Speed Up: X
Battle Star - Tynesoft
Creators webpage link