Battle Tank (itch) (JJ)
Midterm for Graphics course: goal was to make a game from a series of choices, I chose this one.
Controls are displayed in the windows console, but I'll repost here:
P1 (Red) - Shoot: Left Shift or C - Move: WASD
P2 (Blue) - Shoot: N or . (period) - Move: IJKL
Others - Tab: switch perspective, cause aesthetics - Space: toggle screenshake - ESC: reset
There are two stages: an actual stage copied from the game pic for midterm, and a stage where all blocks are random (in the random, all breakable pillars can be pushed around.
Score is given to the player who didn't die, and first player to 10 wins
Collision is a little jank, but this was a graphics course, not math or programming.
All textures and models made by me (besides comic sans font in text), objs are in the folder i guess. Engine is aided by the one we used in the course, but OBJLoader and stuff is personal.