Bay Area Traffic: Disaster Simulator
The Dream
Bay Area Traffic: Disaster Simulation was intended to be a game about managing traffic, resources, and people as ocean levels continue to rise and threaten the Bay Area. The game would begin with a normal simulation, but rising water would begin to flood and then destroy city tiles, killing all the residents unless you successfully evacuate them to another, safer location in time. As time progressed, you would be forced to make decisions about which cities to save, where to send your emergency evac crews, and where to spend your resources to most efficiently improve the flow of traffic. Meanwhile, citizens would go about their normal daily life, oblivious to the crisis at hand. By the end of the game, most tiles would be flooded and you would be scored based on how many people you saved.
Unfortunately, these were just dreams. The current game is merely a tech demo, featuring a procedurally generated Bay Area with a functioning traffic prototype.