Average Playtime: 4 hours

Beat Hazard

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Beat Hazard is a game in which everything is synchronized to your favorite music. Gameplay-wise, it’s a regular 2D shoot ’em up in space, not unlike Asteroids or Project Starfighter. The player controls a small starship that fires at everything on the screen, from asteroids to enemy spacecraft, in order to survive. When hit by an obstacle or by enemy fire, the ship explodes. The goal is to survive as long as possible and score more points to unlock bonuses and receive ranks.
What makes gameplay in Beat Hazard innovative is that every level is based on a song from the player’s music collection. The song defines the speed and rhythm of the game. A similar approach was previously used in Audiosurf, but never before in a shoot ’em up. Enemy attacks, your ship’s fire, and power-ups are synchronized to the song and can be predicted if you remember the tune well. The difficulty is also dependent on music. A power ballad or an ambient piece will do for a slow, meditative play, while a trance or heavy metal composition will turn the game into madness. The game’s visuals are very bright and feature many rapid flashes, which makes Beat Hazard not recommended for people with epilepsy.

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS or equivalent
  • Processor: x86 1.5 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 250mb HD space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later.
  • Processor: Intel
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 250mb HD space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/Win 7
  • Processor: 2.0GHz processor
  • Memory: 512+MB of RAM
  • Hard Drive: 40+MB of free hard drive space
  • Graphics: 256MB of video memory
  • Sound: DirectX-compatible sound
  • DirectX®: 9 or later
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Last Modified: Jan 6, 2025

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2 edits
Beat Hazard Pc [HD] (Fullscreen) Dragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames HARDCORE NO DEATH
Apr 20, 2010
Beat Hazard Ultra - Chop Suey (Suicidal Difficulty) 1080p HD
Jul 9, 2011
Beat Hazard 2 Trailer
Oct 14, 2019
Cold Beam Games
Beat Hazard ULTRA - Through the Fire and Flames (DragonForce) [Suicidal]
Jun 25, 2011
Beat Hazard 2 Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
Oct 5, 2018
▼Обзор Beat hazard: Ultra
Jan 9, 2015
Happy Wolf
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Beat Hazard reviews and comments

A bright, flashy way to listen to your music
«Sit back and relax»
A bit much going on at once
needs harder difficulties, i think the individual levels/rating system should be scrapped, and i would much prefer a minimal art style where the link to the music just through the gameplay rather than represented with so much colour everywhere

still, it's a fun way to listen to music and getting your music in is painless
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Listening to Music was yesterday, here you play the Music. Based on your Music, the Game Flow and The Shrewing Power etc. are generated in this Space shooter. In addition, there are different Levels of difficulty from Light to Sucidial, as is likely to be the Right one for each. There are also bosses who can occasionally appear during the Track And thus offer an Extra Challenge. = > Absolute Must for People who want to stand on Space shooters and listen to their Music. ;) Ps: Visual Effects could lead to Eye Cancer!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Beat Hazard WARNING: The Game is not for light-sensitive Players and those who don't like light Effects being unscavowed and hidden in the extreme, this Game certainly triggers EPILEPSIE, so Who is susceptible TO it = > FINGER WEG. Otherwise, the Game is colorful with extreme Lighting effects. The Music can be started from Hard Drive, or you choose an Internet Channel, which helps you play the Game longer than you wanted. Action-packed and fast Game, as in old Shooting Times of the C64 (The bread box time is greeted).
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Very entertaining Game, without a large online community. However, for BPM (Beats per Minute) fans made very cool. You can import your own Songs and hamper to classical Music or Nintendo core. However, the Feature with the Luminaire effects is as disruptive As it is visually satisfying. However, there are Options to narrow the whole thing. If you want to play challenging Lvl, you can download Music with over 10000 BPM and enjoy this impossible Level of difficulty, because the faster the music gets, the Faster, nastier, more gun-like the opponents become. However, even with more BPM, you get faster and more gun-like until the whole Screen crosses from effects:D Highly recommended For Sales ^^
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
(Review in Progress) the game is class, chic graphic effects, good sounder effects & music, balanced gameplay. Even for the normal price of €6.99, it is still recommended from the price (performance) ratio should be careful people with epilepsie/photosensitive because the effects are semi-wese crass fast and a bit like a colorful music trip xD (the warning for the photosensitive is In this game quite as a good indication to take, even for me ("normal") it is a higher load for the brain while playing, just like very weak photo flashes heaped.) The multi-player mode or koop I have not tried yet but will make up for it and edit it here as well. ---> edit; Have forgotten, the MEHRSPIELER is NOT NOT available in this, Although it is listed in the main menu but if you select it comes down a message, https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/857222149941485523/43DA9777FD6EE169359E595FA537DF4AE052274F/is also a bit of a shame, the eg when finishing comes a Query again, but at the same time great advertising for the "extended" ("Beat-Hazard _ Ultra") version of the game, so negative: Advertising in the game, even if it is advertised in the game, even if it is Rare is
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