Beekeeper Simulator
Beekeeper Simulator is a game created by a group of students at OCAD University and University of Toronto.
Team Profiles!
Art Bees:
Tara (Frojo) "PntherArt"
Studying digital futures on exchange at OCAD U and in their final year for Game Design at RMIT University (Melbourne, AUS). Specialises in 3D Art, shaders/vfx, games programming and sound design. They are a chaotic bunch of frogs in a trenchcoat with a silly little accent that enjoy eating food and playing skyrim.
Olivia (Strife) "StrifePainter"
3rd year OCAD student, illustration kid stuck in an animation program :) I love bees yeet
Tenzin "Rolangs"
OCADU student who recently got into game design and with a love for environment art.
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Jan 30, 2023
Where to buy