Beneath The Woods (Demo)
Welcome to Redscott Pines
'Beneath the Woods' is a stylized, narrative-focused mystery / thriller / puzzle game set in the fictional small town of Redscott Pines, Oregan. The story follows Davis, who returns to his hometown to search for his missing sister (Mina). He hasn't been back since he ran away 2 years earlier. With help from the people closest to Mina, he follows the trail to a church in the woods, and uncovers the secrets lurking beneath...
This is the demo / first level of Beneath The Woods (approx. 20 minutes playtime), and was made between February-September 2022. Sign up on our website - - to be notified when the full game is released. Thanks!
UPDATE: The game can now be played with mouse and keyboard OR with a connected PlayStation 4 controller.
- W / A / S / D : move up / left / down / right
- Left Click : interact
- Right Click : use item
- Q / E : cycle through inventory
- Esc : pause
- Left Shift: jog / run
- Left Joystick / Joypad : move
- Right Joystick : rotate character
- X : interact
- Square : use item
- L2 / R2 : cycle through inventory
- Options : pause
- L1 / L3 : jog / run