Beyond the Concrete Veil

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You play someone trapped inside a tiny box, your only means of communication with the outside world being your fingers and the vibrations you can make with them, in the form of morse code.
You're in luck though, someone has finally replied.

Left click - tap the wall, short tap is a dot, long tap is a dash
Right click - form hand into a fist. If you left click while holding right click, you'll slam the wall and delete the last letter you transmitted

Your goal is to transmit messages in morse code, and translate the messages you receive from the other side.
The translation is much easier if you write down the dots and dashes as you receive them, and do the translation after you have all these confirmed.
You can also slam the wall to force your friend to reset the sending sequence.

The first "sos" message is for calibration, with some fail safe that resets it if you're obviously just spam clicking. That said, it's still possible that you could mess up calibration massively, so if you're having a lot of difficulty and the dot and dash timing seems super weird, try restarting and doing that sequence again.

Made for Lovejam 2020
Thank you to all the creators at, your stuff is amazing. Full credits for all sounds used present along with the game files.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Feb 28, 2020

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