blackfisk is a game where you shoot stuff, and grow! The more you grow, the harder the game is! With two button controls, great music, and tons of enemies and bosses, you can endlessly play this game! You play as Joshua and you go joshing everyone!
This was made for Ludum Dare 34 in about 48 hours so this is nowhere near a finished-quality game. This LD had the themes "Two Button Controls + Growing" as two themes tied. However, there is a polished version we made after the competition to make things smoother, but this is still very much prototype-quality. We recommend you play that, as it is more stable, but feature wise, they are both the same. Make sure you check out the README listed below before playing.
Preston Cammarata (Acerio) - Programming + Art -
Arthur Cosentino (X27) - Programming + Art + Sounds
Mark Sparling - Music -
Test Tube graphic by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Made with Logo Maker
+ Wine does work with the game, but may be buggy.
+ Please read the controls menu, because you won't know the controls otherwise.
+ There is GamePad support for Xbox and PlayStation controllers, but may be a little weirder than just using the mouse.
Also, the title screen does not support gamepad.