BlenderToy 2
This is part of the "Build A Toy First" project course by Prof Csongor Baranyai at The University of Applied Sciences Europe - Game Design - Art B.A.
"It is often said in game development, that you should build the toy first, before further develop it into a game. This is not just essential to have a better game/ toy, but also a better and organic development process. The designer should take a playful position towards her own game, so she can explore its emergent/ inherent possibilities through wild experimentation. Unfortunately that’s easier said than done. ..." -
Is a blender a toy? The playfulness lies rather with the possible combinations. This ToyTest is still in progress, it is here to show the development (within two week). This therefor is; The second version of the blenderToy; BlenderToy-2!
It should be mentioned that the mixing Behaviour is now done! (in it's most simple and core way!)
This Toytest is part of the Team:
This is the third week of our project course. To come is; 1 more weeks of Testing-phase, A Sandbox phase and a Polishing phase.
Stay Tuned,