Blob Battle Arena (Release Version)
Blob Battle Arena is a new digital totally acurrate battle simulator (but it's not TABS, I swear) where you can create totally random and non-sense duels and watch blobs fight each other until one team is victorious!
You can test and battle every unit in sandbox mode, or challenge yourself with the 30 levels of campaign mode. This game is not prettended to be further updated, but balancement paths will come if the game is too broken. The game can be played by web browser in, but you can download the HTML file to play in a separate web page.
The game in the current state of updates has 28 units that you can actually use in campaign ( excepting Dragon Slayer, a totally broken unit that overcomes the limits and strength of every other one, and it's only available in Sandbox mode ) divided in 5 categories ( Modern, Medieval, Cyberpunk, Heavy and Special units ). A truly clash between ages!