Blobby Jim in the Caverns of Luola
Made in 48 hours for Stout IGDA Spring Game Jam
Group: Shadow and the Hedgehog girls
Programming and Level Design: Kyle
Sound and Assistant Art Design: Jallissa
Art Lead: Kaegan
Better on an Xbox Controller
Keyboard controls:
LR Arrow Keys: Move
Up Arrow: Jump
X: attack, must be in attack mode
1: normal mode, light blue
2: attack mode, red
3: jump mode, dark blue
4: speed mode, green
Xbox Controller controls:
D Pad or Left Stick: Move
A: Jump
X: attack, must be in attack mode
RB: normal mode, light blue
LB: attack mode, red
RT: jump mode, dark blue
LT: speed mode, green
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Feb 13, 2023
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