Blockster (Trckstrcam)
This game was made for my older brother, Who I have always called B L O C K.
You play as block.
Right now Block is stuck in a coma.
While he is in the coma he is forced on an adventure to escape from the coma. He keeps going through intense hard levels for the hopes that he will survive.
Keyboard is
Move Right with D, and Right Arrow Key
Move Left with A, and Left Arrow Key,
Jump with W, Spacebar, and Up Arrow Key,
To get back to the main menu from any level click Tab
The game saves so make sure if you go back to main menu click continue, or if you exit to click continue
Move Right with Left Joy Stick pushing Right, and D-pad Right
Move Left with Left Joy Stick pushing Left, and D-pad Left
Jump with D-pad Up, and the A button on a controller
On Controller there is also shorcuts for the Main Screen Easier like like the A button make a new game, the B button continues a game and X quits a game
To go back to main menu click + or - also know as select or share
These buttons are for a Switch Pro Controller and are slightly different for whichever controller you use
Get to the last Level
Simple Tips
The game saves
You can double jump
Play the Windows or Linux Version since html is terrible