Bloody Wicked
You step into the shoes of a female-protagonist who really is a amalgamation of Snowwhite's "Wicked Queen", Oz's "Wicked Witch" and the folklore figure "Bloody Mary". This should turn out (once it's done) to be a classic FPS-powertrip with puzzles an mechanics revolving around Mirrors.
The current prototype is Linux only, since that's where I am at. It's also at such an early stage, that my time is probably better spent with actual development, than with building and dependency-management.
There will be Windows and Mac versions, once a real milestone comes along - feel free to follow me, to get notifications when that happens.
This has been originally made for Mirrorgamejam. I'm in the process of rebuilding the original core and expanding on the concept.
WASD for directional controls, Space for jump, numbers activate different spells, which are fired by pressing the left MouseButton. At the moment, there is only 1, which throws a "Placeholderball" There seems to be a glitch with correctly reading the number-keys. Until that's fixed, "Q" activates the "Placeholderball".
Right MouseButton interacts with things. Interactable things are indicated via a cyan/blue frame that shows up when you're close enough. At the moment the only interactable things are "Mana-potions" around the landscape.
Escape quits to desktop immediately; there are no real failstates yet.