BloodyKitchen is a small Local PVP combat game in a flooded kitchen made in less of 48 hours, because why not.
You may ask if this game has anything to do with actual cooking, sadly it doesn't, this game was a self-challenge to make a small game in less of 1 day, I liked so much the idea that I worked a bit more in the next day. This game might not leave the prototype stage, it was purely made for fun and fast coding pratice.
Special thanks to 3xBlast and ControllerHead for your royalty free musics
A huge thanks to tutsi.fruit and _karaiolek_ for some maps!
Player 1Move withJump, Fire, Drop/Grab ItemWASDJ, K, L Player 2Move withJump, Fire, Drop/Grab ItemArrow KeysNumPad: 1, 2, 3THIS GAME HAS SUPPORT TO CUSTOM SKINS
To make your custom skin, download this spritesheet, name it as you like, edit and save on Appdata/Roaming/BloodyKitchen/your_skin.png
( Your hat is the size of 4 cells, you can make a 64x16 hat in horizontal and it'll be auto rotated in-game, I don't recommend to have more than 8 or 16 skins, anyway have fun! )