Blue World - Quest

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It seemed like a simple plan: sneak in, destroy robots, defeat a tyrant, save the world. But, just because a plan is simple, doesn't mean it's easy...and it certainly doesn't mean success.

You play as Klyne Rennaul in an attempt to correct the mistakes made that led to his girlfriend, Anna Mei, being captured as they tried to make their escape. With few resources and no assistance, he treks back to the ruined city, Lazarin, to save who he can and stop who he must, or die trying.

You are not without the ability to defend yourself. Despite his failings, he was still a practitioner of the Vision Arts, and with that he gives you the ability to input commands in battle that may enable you to perform devastating special Arts attacks to eviscerate out your foes. Be warned, however: the loss took its toll on him and you'll find his anger bubbling to the surface often, which when coupled with his martial arts abilities may lead to desperate if not reckless attacks outside of your control.

This game started as a port of the game "MtSQuest - True" for the TI-83+ Graphing Calculator. If you played the original, hopefully this will harken back to those days of yesteryear while at the same time providing a new experience with revised dialog as well as quality of life changes to enhance the play experience.

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 30, 2020

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