Blues For Mittavinda
A game about chaos made in ten days for the Gamejolt competition 01/03/2013
"I came away feeling both mentally – and, as a result of something you absolutely must experience – physically enriched." Rock, Paper, Shotgun "one of the first Great Games of 2013 everyone on this planet should play it" PorpentineConsidered among the top freeware games of 2013
Arrows: move
Space: actions
Escape: Menu
alt+ENTER: Full screen
In his right hand he held a long string of smooth beads, which he rubbed one at a time while he visualized each member of his family, then his friends, and lastly those about whom he had harbored unkind thoughts. All these people he then embraced mentally, directing thoughts of loving kindness toward them. This exercise over, he began concentrating on the word death, more or less in the manner outlined above, fingering each bead as he focused on the word.
Mindfulness meditation adapted from Vipassana