Boids (Glaas)
This is an attempt at simulating behavior of boids.
There are three rules that have to be obeyed by each agent of the simulation in order to recreate the behavior of boids:
1. Separation
2. Alignment
3. Cohesion
Separation is mostly about obstacle avoidance. Each agent will steer away from obstacles, and that includes other agents.
Alignment means that each agent will steer towards the alignment of other agents.
Cohesion will make each agent try to go towards any other nearby agent.
In this simulation, you can activate the 3 behaviors independantly, as well as tweak other settings. More will be added in the future, as well as being mobile friendly.
I derived most of the infomation used to create the simulation this from this behavioural study from the university of Toronto, with inspiration from that paper as wellfor future updates.
Idea spawned from this video by Sebastian Lague video. Code is entirely my own.