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A Bomberman-inspired Spaghetti Western action game with rogue-like elements. Visit the BOMBSLINGER website here.

PLEASE NOTE: Bombslinger in still in Early Access, this means that it is not the final game yet and a good chunk of the content is still missing. While we think Bombslinger is already a fun and polished experience, please keep in mind the above before purchasing the game.

Wear the poncho of the Bombslinger, a former ruthless bandit turned rancher, as he sets out on a journey to avenge the brutal murder of his wife.
Bomb your way through hordes of enemies, defeat your former posse and get to the final showdown with its leader, the Gunslinger.bombslinger Features
  • Explosive Bomberman-inspired single and multi-player gameplay (Multiplayer mode coming during Early Acces)
  • Procedurally generated levels and tons of items make each play unique
  • 4-player battle mode a for classic local multiplayer action (coming during Early Acces)

Initial Early Access content:
  • Procedurally generated single player mode
  • 4 levels, 2 environments, around 10 enemies and 4 Bosses
  • Several bombs types and items
features Planned For the Full Release:
  • 4-players Local Multiplayer Deathmatch
  • at least 2 additional environments, a total of 20 to 25 enemies and new bosses
  • new classic wild west buildings (the shaman's tent, the bank, the saloon...)
  • More bomb types and items

Want to share your thoughts on Bombslinger?! Join us on the Community page.
Visit the BOMBSLINGER website here.
Release date
Plug In Digital, Mode4
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows7 or later
  • Processor: 1.2Ghz+
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1GB
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

Where to buy

Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

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Couch Multiplayer Games Worth Playing
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Plain and Simple
Complete the game with no upgrades to the bomb and flame counts.
Death From Above
Blast 3 enemies with one moonshine bomb.
The Mexican Showdown
Survive the fight with El Skullo Calavera.
The ninja
Hold the jump, roll and camouflage items at one time.
No Mistakes
Complete the game without resurrecting.
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27 items

Bombslinger reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review I'm pretty happy with the game! a well thought out Western bombermanlike that breaks some laws of Bomberman! attractive and we dive quickly into the game! Positive points: dynamic, pleasant Visual (pixel life), correct difficulty (see sometimes hard) and monsters/boss fun! Negative points: this is still a game in early access but rather static menu, few objects, lack of backup area for the advance of the story (die facing the 2nd boss and everything redo after 10 try, why not use the shops as zone?), where are the secret dungeons! In short a very good game to follow, I wait for the next shift to be probably even more surprised! GOOD JOB mode4!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review Bombslinger seems to be a Bomberman like in a Western theme. The Brussels people of Mode4 (who are also the hosts of the GameJam "Brotaru") have released this big tribute to Bomberman (for his solo mode) but who knows how to keep his own touch of innovation especially with his rogue like side. The game is interesting and can use its solo mode (surprising choice for this type of game) with Brio. We try to evolve in the levels without losing too many lives and especially by using a selection of items selectable before each run. At the end of the level, a good old boss, classic! If ever, they did a little feedback on their choice of using 3D for a 2D rendering and problems encountered... You can read it here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/bombslinger/features/how-our-love-for-2d3d-art-backfired-on-us
Translated by
Microsoft from French
So be careful, I put a red thumb only as a warning for those who would expect that, being openly inspired by Bomberman, this game makes a nice game canap ' to play with friends. It is nothing, the game is entirely turned to the solo and the multiplayer mode only points to the marginal addition without interest. For solo: one is entitled to a "rogue-like", or rather an Isaac-like to be precise: one chained the arenas connected between them by passages according to a labyrinthine arrangement, the aim being to find the boss to close each level while boosting his personal to the pass age through various and varied equipments, which bring nice variations around the starting principle of Bomberman, with also various enemies offering interesting behaviors to exploit the gampelay in a fairly rich way. On this solo part, the game is therefore very engaging, even if remains constrained by the limits of the genre and brings content away from the tenors of the genre. FOR the MUTLI: Unfortunately we have the right to a Bomberman-like content of the minimum Union on this point: the parts are not configurable (nothing particularly on the conditions of departure other than the points of life, and no particular mode of play), the arenas quite numerous in number prove to bring only very little real variety in play, and the majority of the ideas that brings the solo to the original formula are not present in multi.... so in the final really anecdotal multiplayer, so that was what made the strength of Bomberman, so be careful not to mistake on this point!
If you’re looking for a new roguelike game to play, it’s a perfect title to try. It’s a Wild West Bomberman with a great challenge and strong bosses. Throughout the game you feel your progression and it’s awesome. I admire pixel art visuals and the soundtrack here too!
However, there are some problems with AI and technical issues that sometimes ruin the game in Battle Mode (hope they will be fixed).
But if you play alone, it’s fun. Strongly recommended.
This game has two huge problems: awkward controls and the awful multiplayer mode. But if you play it solo and get used to the controls, you’ll find a lot of fun here. The character and sound design is amazing, so are the enemies - each and every has their own style, features and so on, and the amount of enemies is huge. The gameplay is fresh, and the game has a potential to be replayed. If you love the Wild West setting ang roguelike games, Bombslinger will be a perfect match for you. Even some problems don’t make it bad in general, so it’s a good way to spend some time.
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