Bonk! is a local and online multiplayer strategy/arcade game, where you face off 1v1 to set up troops, place towers, and battle to the death! First, prepare your troops and towers, then sit back and watch as both players' units battle to the death!
This was developed in 2023 for the class ICS 167: Multiplayer Game Systems
ControlsWASD - Move Cursor
Q & E - Swap between shop items
R - Purchase unit and spawn at the location of the cursor
ESC - Pause/Unpause
Gameplay Prepare Your Troops!Use your resources to summon troops and build towers! Be strategic, as each troop and tower varies.
Sit back, and watch them battle to the death!A player wins when all of the other player's troops have been wiped out!
Each round, both players gain more currency!More currency = more troops
Play endlessly!
Online Multiplayer SupportConnect with friends and other players online.
Hung Bui - Programmer(UI, AI, Shop System, Multiplayer)
Cais Wang - Programmer(Troop/Building System, AI, Multiplayer)
Thao Nguyen - Programmer(Round system, Bugfixes)
Github Repo