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A multiplayer Third Person Shooter (TPS).

  • My Apps: BradAppList
  • YouTube Channel: Brad Code Tips
  • Multiplayer
  • Player name uses computer name.
  • Ragdoll
  • Projectile based laser bolt rifle
  • Deathmatch (free-for-all)
  • Players: 2-4
  • Bots: None
  • Weapons: Laser bolt rifle
  • Maps: Lobby, Level 1
  • Input: Keyboard & Mouse
  • Networking: Listen server (LAN or IP address)
  • Text Chat: No
  • Voice Chat: No
Game Menu Esc/MMenuPausePauseTabScoreCTextVVoice Player Menu WMove forwardSMove backwardMouseTurn left/rightAMove left (strafe)D
Move right (strafe)Left ShiftRunSpaceJumpLeft CtrlCrouchLMBMelee/FireRMBZoomRReloadFDrop1HolsterLAuto Orientation Mode
OToggle OrientationPChange PoseUToggle HUDYChange CharacterIInventory Description
  • Uses a Listen server so you can play on a LAN or connect directly via IP address.
  • The game will run with one player but there won't be anyone else to shoot.
  • This is a deathmatch so kill all other players.
  • The game keeps track of the number of kills in the score but there is no number of kills to win the game so you just play as long as you want.
  • If you kill yourself no points are scored for the kill.
  • More updates are likely.
  • Unreal Engine Version 4.23
  • BotMultiFight is based on the Third Person Template that has no shooting animations.
  • BotMultiFightB is based on the Mixamo Animation Pack that has a limited set of shooting animations.
  • BotMultiFightC is based on the Animation Starter Pack that has a full set of shooting animations.
Multiplayer Setup General
  • This game can run as a server & client or client.
  • Voice chat is supported in LAN mode and not supported in Internet mode.
There are four ways you can setup a network.
  1. LAN mode: Requires a LAN but if testing the server and client on the same computer no LAN setup is required.
  2. Internet mode: Requires a home Internet router and port forward 7777 UDP/TCP.
  3. Wi-Fi cell phone hotspot : Requires running off the same Wi-Fi cell phone hotspot.
  4. Virtual LAN over Internet : Requires a VPN that supports Virtual LAN over Internet.
LAN mode
  • To use LAN mode you need a working LAN but you can run the server and client on the same computer for testing with no LAN setup required.
  • If running the server and client on the same computer, change the Settings->Common Resolution to 680x480 so you can see the server and client side-by-side.
  1. Connect the computer to the Internet.
  2. Start the game, select LAN mode and press Play.
  1. Connect the computer to the Internet.
  2. Start the game, select LAN mode and press Find games then select the game from the Server list.
Internet mode Server
  • When using Internet mode the server can't be connected to a WI-FI cell phone hotspot.
  • When using Internet mode the server must be connected to a typical home Internet with a router so you can setup port forward 7777 UDP/TCP.
  • In Step 2, you must setup port forward 7777 UDP/TCP on your router. The setup procedure for port forward varies depending on the type of router you have so check online for instructions for your router. 
  • In Step 3, IP address, if entered, is ignored when you press Play.
  1. Connect the computer to the Internet using a typical home Internet with a router.
  2. Setup port forward 7777 UDP/TCP on your router.
  3. Start the game, select Internet mode and press Play.
  • The client can be run from any Internet connection such as a WI-FI cell phone hotspot.
  • In Step 2, use the Public IP address of the host computer for IP address.
  1. Connect the computer to the Internet.
  2. Start the game, enter IP address and press Join IP address.
WI-FI cell phone hotspot (Using Internet mode)

You can host games using a WI-FI cell phone hotspot using Internet mode as long as all computers are connected to the same WI-FI cell phone hotspot.


Note: In Step 2, IP address, if entered, is ignored when you press Play.

  1. Connect the computer to the Internet.
  2. Start the game, select Internet mode and press Play.

Note: In Step 2, for IP address, use the IPv4 address from the Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi of the host computer. On Windows use Start->cmd to open the command prompt and enter ipconfig to find the IPv4 address.

  1. Connect the computer to the Internet.
  2. Start the game, enter IP address and press Join IP address.
Virtual LAN over Internet (Using LAN mode)
  • LAN mode can be used over the Internet using a VPN.
  • This method can be used if you want to host the game over the Internet using a WI-FI cell phone hotspot.
  • Voice chat only works with LAN mode so this method can be used if you want to use voice chat over the Internet.
  • This method can be used if you don't want to use port forward.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

BotMultiFightC screenshot, image №2872712 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jun 4, 2021

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